Coder Mars Blog

a coding journey

Category: Form Builder Series

A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 9 Progress Report
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 9 Progress Report Hello, readers! I regret that I haven’t posted in couple of weeks. I ended up having a bunch of appointments all around the same time. However, I’m back in action and excited to share the progress I made during Week 9. Read on for a summary of what I accomplished. Day 1 - Giving Users More Control: Implementing Font Size Options Following up on my work from my last post, I added the ability to change the text size for the Header form element. …Read More
05/07/2023 ・
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 8 Progress Report
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 8 Progress Report Hello fellow readers! I’ll be sharing my latest developments, including implementing a WYSIWYG editor, fixing bugs, adding real-time updates for user inputs, and differentiating the header form element from the other elements. Read on for more details! Day 1 – Implementing WYSIWYG Editor with React-Quill Library I implemented a WYSIWYG editor using the react-quill library, which includes a toolbar with options like bold, italics, and alignment. …Read More
04/16/2023 ・
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 7 Progress Report
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 7 Progress Report Welcome folks! Last week, I implemented the react-dnd library and made the cards draggable and droppable onto the form. This week I built upon that progress by improving the appearance of the cards being dropped, working on fixing a duplicate card bug, adding the ability to delete cards, and starting to implement a sidel panel with a wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get) editor. …Read More
04/09/2023 ・
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 6 Progress Report
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 6 Progress Report This week, I focused on implementing the react-dnd library and making draggable and droppable cards on the FormBuilder page. Day 1: Implementing the react-dnd library I began the week by implementing the react-dnd library and getting the initial setup done. This involved making and displaying a static list of cards first on the FormBuilder page and styling them to be in columns and to the right. …Read More
04/02/2023 ・
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 5 Progress Report
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 5 Progress Report Welcome back to Week 5 of building a form builder! This week was all about fixing issues with yarn not hot reloading and selecting a new drag-and-drop library for our project. Let’s dive in! Day 1 – Fixing Yarn Not Hot Reloading in Dev and Prod On the first day, I worked on fixing an issue with yarn not hot reloading in both development and production environments. …Read More
03/26/2023 ・
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 4 Progress Report
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 4 Progress Report Welcome back to the fourth week of building a form builder! This week was all about getting the form data to save in MongoDB, building the ViewForm page, and figuring out how to render the form builder component without edit capabilities. Day 1 – Storing Data in Mongo Issue On the first day, I continued working on getting only one document to be inserted into MongoDB. …Read More
03/05/2023 ・
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 3 Progress Report
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 3 Progress Report Welcome back to the third week of creating a form builder! In this week’s progress report, I’ll share my experiences and accomplishments as I worked on saving form data to Mongo and designing the publish page. Day 1 – Saving Form Data to Mongo/Repling to Flask Community on Reddit On the first day of this week, I worked on getting the form data stored in MongoDB. …Read More
02/26/2023 ・
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 2 Progress Report
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 2 Progress Report Welcome to the second progress report of my journey in building a form builder. Last week, I ran into an issue displaying the drag-and-drop form builder in the browser, but I got it on the first day of week 2 by switching to a different package manager. Note: A “day” varies in the number of hours worked. Some days I worked for a couple of hours or so, others I worked for several hours depending on that day’s goal and how much time I had to dedicate. …Read More
02/18/2023 ・
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 1 Progress Report
A Journey of Building a Form Builder: Week 1 Progress Report Last week, I embarked on a new personal project with the goal of building a form builder from scratch. I chose this project to challenge myself and to improve my skills in building projects from beginning to end. The first week was a roller coaster of learning and problem-solving, but I am proud to say that I made significant progress toward my goal. …Read More
02/11/2023 ・