Learning How to Code in 2021 – S.M.A.R.T Goals

Coding - Goals and Habits


I have 3 main goals for this year. Learn data structures and algorithmns, some PHP, and hopefully land a developer position where I grow my skills and be of service. In order to achieve these goals, I can apply to jobs and consistently work on my coding skills throughout the year. Below I have outlined how I am going to achieve my learning goals. I used the S.M.A.R.T goal technique, so I could set realistic goals for this year.

1. Learn basic data structures and algorithmns


Learn basic data structures such as:

  • Linked Lists
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Arrays
  • Hash Tables
  • Binary Trees
  • Tries
  • Graphs


  • Measure progress based on # of leetcoce problems solved
  • Should solve one problem for every day of the month
  • Would like to solve at least 250 LeetCode problems this year


  • It’s achievable if I focus on problems within or slightly above my current ability
  • Don’t get stuck too long on any particular problem
  • Save and revisit problems that are too difficult for me now


  • As a developer, it’s crucial to my career growth
  • Unlocks super powers needed to solve challenging problems


Start date: January 1st, 2021

End date: December 31st, 2021

  • Each week 7 problems are due

2. Learn PHP and/or a Framework


A. Learn the basics such as:

  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Loops
  • Conditionals
  • Cookies
  • Sessions
  • File Processing
  • Forms
  • Sending Emails
  • Basic Routing
  • SQL Query Functions
  • OOP concepts
  • Error handling etc…

B. Build at least 1 portfolio worthy PHP project


  • Progress measured based on % completed in Codecademy’s PHP course OR
  • By crossing off topics or subtopics from the above list on a weekly basis OR
  • Committing PHP code almost daily to GitHub


  • Study for at least one pomodoro a day
  • Focus on building one awesome PHP project
  • Prioritize coding above my other activities and hobbies


  • Learning PHP will increase my prospects
  • Will help me learn other languages and tools


Start date: January 1st, 2021

End date: December 31st, 2021

  • Set aside 30 minutes a day to achieve my goal

3. Land a Developer Position

Since, this one is a little out of my control. The goal is to just keep learning, keep applying to positions, and reach out to more people. By December 31st, we will see how effective or ineffective my strategy is for learning new coding skills in 2021. 🙂

Happy coding.